Hello, I am Tamanna

Welcome to my recipe blog where you can find Amazing recipes from India and also around the world.

Cooking food is my passion and eating great foods.

Somehow I am a foodie. So I created this blog specially dedicated to Indian sabji recipes.

In India, we have so many varieties of dishes. And I want to create every kind of dishes from all around the world.


In this blog,

I can show you step-by-step recipes with photos and special tips, and secret ingredients to make any ordinary dish into an amazing dish

Here you can find veg,non-veg, vegan, keto, diet, and more recipes. 

So stay tuned and learn to make amazing dishes especially from India.

In India, we like green vegetables cooked in some simple but powerful spices.

You can find here different versions of the recipe for many vegetables.

My Vision

My vision is to create some authentic recipes from India which people are forgetting about,

With some rural area recipes which are practical instincts nowadays.

But also to create easy to follow, quick, and not so many ingredients needed to cook recipes.

So we can cook on those busy days when we don’t want to cook or when we have not many ingredients available.